Why is Mastering Digital Marketing close to having a Superpower in 2021?

Sushmita Singh
6 min readMay 1, 2021

You might be wondering what this article’s title means or what I mean when I associate Digital marketing with Superpower. So let’s unfold these and many other questions you might have asked yourself consciously or unconsciously about digital marketing. In this article, I will discuss what I have learned so far, five key topics that can help you understand digital marketing better, its scope, and much more. I’m not writing this article for any specific age group or occupation, but this is for everyone who’s dying of boredom due to their current job/occupation and want to change it. With all said, let’s jump in!

Getting Fundamentals Right

When we hear the term marketing, nine out of ten people associate it with sales and advertising, which may be true if we look at our jobs present in the market. But in reality, these two come under a massive umbrella of Marketing. To understand Digital marketing, we need to get our fundamentals or, let’s say, building blocks for a solid building. If we look at a highrise or a monument that is 100 years old and wonder why it’s still standing tall, it’s due to its strong foundation laid ages ago. Just like that in digital marketing, we need to understand how marketing is associated with human psychology, why we need to do marketing first, how it can help your business/customer/company, and then choose a medium so that you can reach your target audience. What I have learned so far from my mentor and through different examples, if you have a fantastic product and a strong message, your product will start marketing itself.

Which Path to choose, Traditional or Digital?

So the next question you might be having is, why there’s so much hype around the term ‘digital,’ and what’s the difference between Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing? Let me help you understand it with one example from each category. We have been watching commercials on TVs since the TV existed, so when you have a generic product. Let’s say Mobile phones, automobiles, FMCG products, you advertise it on TV because you have a massive market for it, and it’s accessible to 800mn to 1 billion people in India alone. Where radio is listened to by ~600 mn and newspaper is read by ~500 mn people every day in India. So traditional marketing is easier/cheaper when you have a massive audience for it. Now let’s say you are starting your entrepreneurial journey and launched a pet care home/salon. You have identified that target customers are from the upper-middle class and reside in major cities of India. So here we know your product is not generic, you have set an audience for it, and charges vary based on the services you avail. So here, your product can’t be advertised on TV or Radio. Still, digital media can play an essential role by running ad campaigns on Facebook, email marketing, website designing, Instagram marketings, and youtube ads to reach the target audience. Hope it helped you to understand the difference and scope between the two types of marketing.

The point is to make wealth!

Now you have understood the difference between the two, let me explain and share with you the most important topic which is changing my life and can change yours too ‘CATT’ which is an acronym;
[C] = Content, because after the customer, Content is the King.
[A] = Attention! It means driving traffic to your blog, Content, services you are marketing via SEO and social media
[T] = Trust. It takes a while to build trust, building trust with your customer, and maintaining it very important for any business to thrive.
[T] = Here’s a CAT with an extra ‘T.’ Another T indicates the conversion of leads into sales, generating cash flow, and doing transactions.
To make this funnel work, you need to first identify your niche, which can be understood below.

To make this funnel works, you need to first identify your niche, which can be understood from the below image

Importance of Integrated Digital Marketing

Is learning one skill, let’s say, content writing is enough to create wealth? Or achieve financial freedom? If you ask me this question, my answer would be no. Let me briefly explain my response to the next topic, Integrated Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing is a cuisine created with a delicate balance of quality ingredients like content creation(blogs), email marketing, Social media, SEO, Paid advertisement, and conversion of leads into sales. If you remember my previous example of setting up pet care, ask yourself if the financial goal you have in mind is achievable if you use just one aspect/tool of the Digital Marketing Universe? You’ll have your answer and a better understanding of this topic too!

E-commerce Growth In India

As a reader by now, you might somewhat understand the scope of digital marketing and how it can help scale your business. In the last two years, we have seen a tremendous shift in how the business is conducted, how small businesses are going online and increasing their sales. Please see the below picture under the changing E-commerce market in India.

Source: ibef.org

You can read the whole article here:https://www.ibef.org/industry/ecommerce/showcase.

Building Brand and Trust

When as an audience, you are reading this, what do you think is my purpose behind writing and publishing this article? The answer is straightforward, documenting my journey as a New age Entrepreneur, consultant and creating my personal brand. Whether public or private, any brand is not built in a day; it takes hard work, perseverance, resilience, and vision to create it. If you look at successful People like MostlySane, Anushka Sharma, Deepika Padukone, Virat Kholi, they have more brand value than the team they are working/playing for. It’s because of the sheer determination and hard work they have done themselves to become what they are today. For me, creating a personal brand is all about building trust, working for a much bigger goal than just creating wealth; when people look at me, they should think of me as a synonym to Humanity and Altruism.

With all the essential topics I’ve discussed, I hope it will give you an insight into what digital marketing is all about and how vital it plays for an online ecosystem to thrive. So it’s not wrong to say Digital marketing is a way forward from here, and learning/mastering Digital marketing is indeed very close to having a superpower!

See you in my next article, where I’ll share my experience as a content writer, shift in the Indian economy, and my next pit stop in this journey of becoming Sushmita 2.0. Till then, Happy Reading and Take care!

